Our 50+ Microprocessor questions and answers focus on all areas of Microprocessor subject covering the most important topics in the Microprocessor. These topics are chosen from a collection of most authoritative and best reference books on Microprocessor.

1What does microprocessor speed depend on?
 a)Clockb)Data bus width
 c)Address bus widthd)Control bus width
2Why 8085 Processor called an 8-bit processor?
 a)Because the 8085 processor has 8-Bit ALU.b)Because the 8085 processor has an 8-Bit data bus.
 c)Both because the 8085 processor has 8-Bit ALU and because the 8085 processor has an 8-Bit data bus.d)none of these
3Which one is not a flag bit
4What is the maximum number of memory locations supported by 8085?(Probable duplicate)
 c)65536d)No limit
5Name of the program responsible to transfer hex input to binary is
 a)System Programb)Application Program
 c)Compilerd)Monitor Program
6HLT is a _______ instruction
 a)1 Byteb)2 Byte
 c)3 Byted)4 Byte
7Which is not a valid register pair?
8Which flag is used for BCD Addition?(Probable duplicate)
 a)Carryb)Auxiliary Carry
9Which is a 16 bit register?
 c)Program Counterd)Register C
10LDA 8050H requires ____ numbers of machine cycle
 c)4d)none of these
11How many T-States are there in STA 8050H instruction?(Probable duplicate)
12Which one is closely related to the Clock pulse?
 a)Instruction Cycleb)Machine Cycle
 c)T-Statesd)None of these
13Which combination of S1 and S0 is for Halt?(Probable duplicate)
14Which stack is used in 8085?
 c)FILOd)None of these
15What are the Control signals used for DMA operation?(Probable duplicate)
 a)INT and INTAb)IN and OUT
 c)HOLD and HLDAd)None of these
16What is a SIM?(Probable duplicate)
 a)Select Interrupt Maskb)Sorting Interrupt Mask
 c)Set Interrupt Maskd)None of these
17Vector Address of RST 3 is
 c)0081Hd)None of these
18Address line for RST3 is?
19Addressing mode of STA 8055H instruction is
 c)Stackd)Memory Direct
20MVI B, 60H is _____ Byte instruction
 c)3d)None of these
21The interrupt line having highest priority is
 a)RST 7.5b)TRAP
 c)Both RST 7.5 and TRAPd)None of these
22Stack Pointer is a _________ register
 a)4 bitb)8 bit
 c)16 bitd)None of these
23DAD D is a _______ instruction
 a)1 Byteb)2 Byte
 c)3 Byted)4 Byte
24When DMA controller works as a normal peripheral device, it acts in(Probable duplicate)
 a)Master Modeb)Slave Mode
 c)both Master Mode & Slave Moded)None of these
25In ADD C instruction, one of the operands is stored in
 a)Stack Memoryb)Accumulator
 c)Main Memoryd)None of these
26What is the clock frequency of an 8085 Microprocessor?
 a)6 MHzb)4 MHz
 c)3 MHzd)None of these
27RD pin of 8085 is _______ and ________
 a)Active low, Inputb)Active low, Output
 c)Active High, Inputd)Active High, Output
28Which flag is associated with JNC 8050H instruction?
 c)Carryd)Auxiliary Carry
29Which flag is associated with JNZ 8050H instruction?
30HLT op-code means
 a)Load data to accumulatorb)Store result in memory
 c)Load accumulator with content of registerd)End of program
31Length of the instruction POP D is
 a)1 Byteb)2 Byte
 c)3 Byted)4 Byte
32XCHG instruction exchanges the content of H-L with ______ register pair.
33To interface a memory with 2048 locations, how many address lines will be used?
34In peripheral-mapped-I/O, every device address is of
 a)8 bitb)16 bit
 c)24 bitd)32 bit
35The advantage of memory mapped I/O over I/O mapped I/O is
 a)Fasterb)Many instructions supporting memory mapped I/O
 c)Require a bigger address decoderd)All of these
36An interrupt in which the external device supplies its address as well as the interrupt requests is known as
 a)Vectored interruptb)Maskable interrupt
 c)Non maskable interruptd)Designated Interrupt
37Number of Hex digits needed to represent the 16-bit address of a memory location are
38Priority Encoder essentially is a
 c)R/W memoryd)Multiplexer
39Third state of a tri-state device is
 c)High-Impedanced)both high and low
40Address bus width of Intel 8086 is
 a)10 bitb)8 bit
 c)16 bitd)20 bit
41Total addressable memory location supported by Intel 8086 is
42Full form of OF in Intel 8086 microprocessor is
 a)Overflow Flagb)Overdue Flag
 c)One Flagd)Over Flag
43in Intel 8086 microprocessor, the work of EU is
44In Intel 8086, ________ is used to write into the memory
45The RD, WR, M/IO are the heart of control for ________ mode(Probable duplicate)
46The ___________ pin is used to select direct command word
47The _____ is used to connect more microprocessor(Probable duplicate)
 c)I/O devicesd)Control unit
48ALE stands for
 a)Address Level Enableb)Address Latch Enable
 c)Address Leak Extensiond)Address Leak Enable
49 The instruction, MOV AX, 0005H belongs to the address mode
 c)Immediated)Register Relative
50NOP instruction introduces
 c)Memory Locationd)None of these


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