
1There are ________ tuples in the finite state machine.
2Transition function maps.
 a)Σ * Q → Σb)Q * Q→Σ
 c)Σ * Σ → Qd)Q * Σ → Q
3Number of states required to accept string ends with 10.
 c)1d)Can’t be determined
4δ*(q,ya) is equivalent to .
 c)δ(q,ya)d)independent from δ notation
5An automaton that presents output based on previous state or current input is called
 c)Transducerd)None of the mentioned
6If NFA of 6 states excluding the initial state is converted into DFA, the maximum possible number of states for the DFA is
7NFA, in its name has ’non-deterministic’ because of :
 a)The result is undeterminedb)The choice of path is non-deterministic
 c)The state to be transited next is non-deterministicd)All of the mentioned
8Which of the following is the correct proposition? Statement 1: Non determinism is a generalization of Determinism. Statement 2: Every DFA is automatically an NFA
 a)Statement 1 is correct because Statement 2 is correctb)Statement 2 is correct because Statement 2 is correct
 c)Statement 2 is false and Statement 1 is falsed)Statement 1 is false because Statement 2 is false
9Given Language L= {xϵ {a, b}*|x contains aba as its substring}Find the difference of transitions made in constructing a DFA and an equivalent NFA?
 c)4d)Cannot be determined.
10If n is the length of Input string and m is the number of nodes, the running time of DFA is x that of NFA.Find x?
 c)1/md)log m
11Which of the following statement is correct?
 a)NFA is slower to process and its representation uses more memory than DFAb)DFA is faster to process and its representation uses less memory than NFA
 c)NFA is slower to process and its representation uses less memory than DFAd)DFA is slower to process and its representation uses less memory than
12Which among the following is not notated as infinite language?
13Moore Machine is an application of:
 a)Finite automata without inputb)Finite automata with output
 c)Non- Finite automata with outputd)None of the mentioned
14Which of the given statement are correct?
 a)Moore machine has 6-tuplesb)Mealy machine has 6-tuples
 c)Both Mealy and Moore has 6-tuplesd)None of the mentioned
15The major difference between Mealy and Moore machine is about:
 a)Output Variationsb)Input Variations
 c)Both Output Variations and Input Variationsd)None of the mentioned
16Which of the following does not represent the given language? Language: {0,01}
 a)0+01b){0} U {01}
 c){0} U {0}{1}d){0} ^ {01}
17Which among the following looks similar to the given expression? ((0+1). (0+1)) *
 a){xϵ {0,1} *|x is all binary number with even length}b){xϵ {0,1} |x is all binary number with even length}
 c){xϵ {0,1} *|x is all binary number with odd length}d){xϵ {0,1} |x is all binary number with odd length}
18Concatenation Operation refers to which of the following set operations:
 c)Kleened)Two of the options are correct
19RR* can be expressed in which of the forms:
 c)R+ U R-d)R
20Which of the following statements is not true?
 a)Every language defined by any of the automata is also defined by a regular expressionb)Every language defined by a regular expression can be represented using a DFA
 c)Every language defined by a regular expression can be represented using NFA with e movesd)Regular expression is just another representation for any automata definition
21The minimum number of transitions to pass to reach the final state as per the following regular expression : {a,b}*{baaa} is:
22If we select a string w such that w∈L, and w=xyz. Which of the following portions cannot be an empty string?
 c)zd)all of the mentioned
23Which of the following is a utility of state elimination phenomenon?
 a)DFA to NFAb)NFA to DFA
 c)DFA to Regular Expressiond)All of the mentioned
24A language is regular if and only if(Probable duplicate)
 a)accepted by DFAb)accepted by PDA
 c)accepted by LBAd)accepted by Turing machine
25The behaviour of NFA can be simulated using DFA.
 c)sometimesd)none of the mentioned
26Regular grammar is
 a)context free grammarb)non context free grammar
 c)english grammard)None of these
27Which of the following is not a regular expression?
28Regular expression are
 a)Type 0 languageb)Type 1 language
 c)Type 2 languaged)Type 3 language
29Which of the following statement is false?
 a)Context free language is the subset of context sensitive languageb)Regular language is the subset of context sensitive language
 c)Recursively enumerable language is the super set of regular languaged)Context sensitive language is a subset of context free language
30Which among the following cannot be accepted by regular grammar?
 a)L is a set of numbers divisible by 2b)L is a set of binary complement
 c)L is a set of string with odd number of 0d)L is a set of 0n1n
31The minimum number of productions required to produce a language consisting of palindrome strings over ∑={a,b} is
32The language accepted by Push down Automaton:
 a)Recursive Languageb)Context free language
 c)Linearly Bounded languaged)All of the mentioned
33Which of the following are distinct to parse trees?
 a)abstract parse treesb)sentence diagrams
 c)both abstract parse trees and sentence diagramsd)none of the mentioned
34A CFG is not closed under
 a)Dot operationb)Union Operation
35A push down automaton employs ________ data structure.
 a)Queueb)Linked List
 c)Hash Tabled)Stack
36A non-deterministic two way, nested stack automaton has n-tuple definition. State the value of n.
37Which among the following is not a part of the Context free grammar tuple?(Probable duplicate)
 a)End symbolb)Start symbol
38Which of the following automata takes stack as auxiliary storage?
 a)Finite automatab)Push down automata
 c)Turing machined)None of these
39Halting states are of two types. They are:
 a)Accept and Rejectb)Reject and Allow
 c)Start and Rejectd)None of these
40Every grammar in Chomsky Normal Form is:
 a)regularb)context sensitive
 c)context freed)all of the mentioned
41Which of the functions are not performed by the turing machine after reading a symbol?
 a)writes the symbolb)moves the tape one cell left/right
 c)proceeds with next instruction or haltsd)none of the mentioned
42The value of n if turing machine is defined using n-tuples:
43RASP stands for:
 a)Random access storage programb)Random access stored program
 c)Randomly accessed stored programd)Random access storage programming
44A turing machine that is able to simulate other turing machines:
 a)Nested Turing machinesb)Universal Turing machine
 c)Counter machined)None of these
45A turing machine with several tapes in known as:
 a)Multi-tape turing machineb)Poly-tape turing machine
 c)Universal turing machined)All of these
46Which of the following is not a Non deterministic turing machine?
 a)Alternating Turing machineb)Probabilistic Turing machine
 c)Read-only turing machined)None of these
47Finite languages trivially satisfy the pumping lemma by having n = ________, where p is the maximum string length in L.
 c)p-1d)None of the mentioned
48Which of the following is not a step to eliminate state procedure?
 a)Unifying all the final states into one using e-transitionsb)Unify single transitions to multi transitions that contains union of input
 c)Remove states until there is only starting and accepting statesd)Get the resulting regular expression by direct calculation
49The entity which generates language called-
50Which of the following is/are most suitable approaches for inference?
 a)Recursive Inferenceb)Derivations
 c)Both Recursive Inference and Derivationsd)None of the mentioned

