
Showing posts from March, 2021


 CPU CACHE MEMORY: WHAT IS CPU CACHE? => Now a computer has two different types of memory.  One type is what is used in RAM modules, which is DRAM or a dynamic RAM and DRAM is memory that uses capacitors to store data and these capacitors have to constantly and dynamically be refreshed often with electricity in order for them to store data.  But there's another type of memory that a computer uses that doesn't have to be constantly refreshed. And this memory is called SRAM or a static RAM and SRAM is what is used in the CPU catch and because SRAM doesn't have to be constantly refreshed, it is a lot faster than DRAM and it's also very expensive.  CPU CACHE DRAM AND SRAM  The CPU cache is the CPU's internal memory. And its job is to store copies of data and instructions from RAM that's waiting to be used by the CPU. So basically what the CPU cache does, is that it holds common data that it thinks the CPU is going to access over and over again because when the CP